2012 Mission Trip Blog



2012 Mission Team

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On Sunday, July 15th, the 2012 Missions Team was commissioned by Rev Vincent and departed for their annual mission trip.  This year they are in Washington, D.C. where they will be assisting local ministries through a variety of hands-on projects.  The Team returned to Kernersville on Saturday, July 21st.

Our 2012 Mission Team consists of nine youth and seven adults. Youth participants are: Drew Evans, Jessie Hatcher, Jamie Hornsby, Daniel Keane, Elizabeth Kerr, Robert Kerr, Bradin Routh, Drew Tincher and Megan Tincher. Adult participants are: Lisa Duff, Amy Evans, Kelsey Evans, Kerry Kerr, Spencer Sharp, Skip Smith and Rich Tincher.

Unless otherwise noted, the entries in this blog were provided by Amy Evans, Christian Education Director.

Day 1 -- July 15, 2012

Wow!!! To see the DC skyline at night is so pretty. Our drive was long and at times a bit nerve racking, but we arrived safely at our destination around 6:00 pm.

We went through downtown Washington and into the Brownstone area. The kids were so excited and within one minute our environment did a 180 degree change. We arrived in an area in Washington where each home has bars on the doors and windows. As we pulled into the driveway of our dwelling, the comments from our youth were "Are we staying here?" with a little fear in each of their voices.

We have settled in and after worship, we are feeling rejuvenated and ready to help God in any way we can.  Our environment has lost its scariness and the people are very inviting.  We are ready for the assignment God has for us and are excited to share our adventures with our family at home.

Pray for us as we do for each of you.

Day 2 -- July 16, 2012

The first day is under the belt for the 2012 mission adventure in DC.  We are working with an existing ministry that is operating summer camps for groups of youth ages 3 to middle school. Our crew was divided up into 3 different groups, and one of those groups was divided even further upon arrival at their location.  As always it takes a part of a day for us to figure out how exactly to fit in, but by lunch we had all found a way connect with some of the youth playing a variety of games and activities.

One thing we all agreed on was that it was just a little on the wrong side of hot.  Many of the groups were outside in the heat and in the case of at least one group the indoors location was also without AC with close to 25-30 energetic elementary age children struggling to stay calm inside that oven. They gave up after lunch and that group stayed in a nearby gym to play games.

The shower felt really good after returning to the living quarters! Tomorrow is our street experience as we join the homeless of DC, including staying outside in the downtown area for the night.

Please keep the Tincher family in your prayers as they drive to DC this evening.

Day 3 -- July 17, 2012

From Drew Evans:

WOW. Tuesday was a very hot day, but very rewarding.  101 degrees.  We spent most of the day handing out food and supplies to the homeless.  It was so hard to do but at the same time, so rewarding.  We met a lot of interesting people and their stories they shared were just like yours or mine.  It's sad to know that so many people live this way everyday both here in DC and at home.  I appreciate so much what my family does to give me a roof over my head and food for me to eat.  I ♥ you mom and dad!!!

Day 4 -- July 18, 2012

Yesterday (Wednesday, July 18th) we got split up a little.

One group went to help sort shoes, to be distributed to local youth, that had been sent up from another church.

One group caught a few hours of sleep in the morning before heading out to the youth center.

The shoe group headed back in the afternoon to fold maps to be used in mailers, many maps, many many maps.

The rest went back to the youth center to help out with the summer camps.

Today (Thursday, July 19th) we head out to the summer camps for the morning and then we will have a chance to unwind a little bit this afternoon on our own. Today we all start out pretty well rested, so all is well with our world. We will rejoice and be glad in this new day!

Day 5 -- July 19, 2012

Today was our last day with the City Gate summer camp program, and I don’t think even this morning that we fully realized how these young inner city boys and girls had touched our hearts. Curtis, Cortez, Jahmari, McKenzie, and all your classmates…Thank you! Thank you for letting us into your lives even if for only a few days. “Are you coming back tomorrow?” was heard many times as our group was gathering to depart for the final time today. Many gifts of the heart were given and received this week.

We trashed the idea of spending our free afternoon wandering around the zoo in this heat, and traded it in on a metro ride to the Pentagon City Mall. Two hundred stores, a big food court and air conditioning….perfect!

Tonight we finished off with the closing session with our hosts Team Effort. At the conclusion of the service we headed outside where we individually wrote our “baggage” on a card and left it behind, nailed to a cross. It was an emotional evening with many tears, and with God’s help we can all move on better equipped and ready to walk into our future with a lighter step.

First Pres. K’ville you have to be so proud of this caring group of young men and women that make up this Mission Team. Goodnight and God Bless!

Day 6 -- July 20, 2012

Final Day in D.C.

We spent our final day soaking in the rich history of Washington DC. What made the day even better was we had our own little tour guide in that Alexis Clapper tagged along with us. We visited monuments and memorials, museums, cemeteries and theatres, spent some time at the Post Office and the train station, to say that in a day we did it ALL. We are all tired and looking forward to getting home.

It has been a very eye-opening 6 days and moments that will be burned into each of our hearts and minds. This experience, even though not physically challenging, has tested our hearts and minds to leave some baggage behind and start thinking and treating our fellow man in a new way.

I am so proud of each of the participants for their dedication. They have represented themselves, our church and Christ well. We hope that as we share our stories with you tomorrow, you will feel our passion and take this opportunity to make a change with us.

Thank you for going with us and for praying for us. We love our church family.