Celebrating Sam Henderson

Sam 2019
Elementary School 1947
Middle School 1954
A Senior at Penns Grove High School 1960
Wedding 1961

Celebrating Sam Henderson

November 8, 1941 -- October 15, 2019

By Kae Mattingly

(This celebration was originally published in May 2019)

Today we celebrate a gentleman who has been a Presbyterian all his life.  At the age of thirteen, his summer job was helping deliver fresh milk.  He ran the bottles of milk up to the house.  He worked from 4am to 9am every morning.  He was an athlete in high school.  Playing basketball was key to meeting his future wife.  He is an avid reader of non-fiction, mostly history.  He is a fan of Wake Forest University.  Today we celebrate Samuel William Henderson.

Sam was born on November 8, 1941, at home to Frank and Lois Henderson in Carney's Point, New Jersey.  He was named after both his grandfathers.  He was the last born of four children; he had one older brother (Frank, Jr.) and two older sisters (Emma and Pearl).

The family lived in a DuPont-owned town.  Everyone in the town rented their homes from DuPont.  There were three layers of houses.  The first layer were rent houses for workers at the plant.  The second layer were for foreman working at the plant.  They could buy rent houses along the highway.  The last layer was for management.  They lived in Wilmington, Delaware, across the Delaware River.  This plant had quartermasters who fixed the houses when needed.  They had their own Fire Department, with one red fire truck with the DuPont emblem engraved in gold leaf on the sides of the engine compartment.  The YMCA was worked by men who worked at the plant.

As Sam grew up his mom took him to church.  They attended Union Presbyterian Church in Carney's Point, where he was confirmed in 1952.  He was a member of Boy Scout Troop #3 at the church.  Sam went for his God and Country Award 1955-1956, working with a sextant in the church.  He was very active as a teenager there.

During the summer of 1954, Sam worked on a milk truck helping deliver milk.  He worked five hours a day running milk up to the houses on the route.  In 1956-1957, he sold fresh home grown vegetables on his front yard.

Sam attended Pens Grove Regional High School.  In grades 10-12 he played center on the school basketball team.  He was a #2 seed on the tennis team, and he ran some track and field.  His favorite subject was history.

In 1958, he met the girl he would eventually marry, Priscilla Elaine Zouck.  She played on the girls basketball team.  Sam would go to her games and she would attended his.  They both graduated from high school on June 18, 1960.  On the day of graduation, Priscilla and Sam stood next to each other.  The class was lined up in alphabetical order, so Priscilla was last and Sam followed her because he was the tallest in the class.

Two days after graduation Sam was hired by DuPont's Home Office in Wilmington, Delaware.  After five years, he was transferred to Deepwater New Jersey, where spent 35 years working n many different positions.  He retired in 2000.  When an employee retired from DuPont they were given $50.00 to host a retirement gathering for the plant employees.  No family could be invited.  Sam had a friend retiring at the same time.  He didn't want to do the party there because he wanted his family to be there also.  Sam asked the "Powers That Be" if they could combine their party and also invite immediate family.  They were given $1,000 and granted permission to invite the family.  Sam says, "If you don't ask, you'll never get."  (Ask Sam how he pulled this one off.)  While working for DuPont, he served on the Board of United Way of Salem County and was instrumental in starting a mobile library for the community.  He also served on the Board of Directors for Senior Services.  He delivered frozen meals for Meals on Wheels, a County run program.  One experience he enjoyed was mentoring a fifth grade teacher.  He would talk about the many different products made at DuPont, such as Kevlar, used in making vest for policemen, and also used in the making of tires.

On July 29, 1961, Sam and Priscilla were married at Union Presbyterian Church.  On September 15, 1962, Sam, Jr. was born; October 22, 1963 Mark was born; and on April 18, 1970, Patricia was born.  Today they are also blessed with five grandchildren.

In 1965, Sam joined the Pennsville Auxiliary Police Department as a Patrolman.  He progressed through the ranks to Police Lieutenant.  Promotion to this rank involves many years of experience as well as demonstrated ability for leadership and strong public relations skills.  Ranking officers had to also approve this promotion.  He retired on July 4, 1986 after 21 years of service.

1990 began Sam’s term of serving as Worthy Patron of Fairview Chapter of the Eastern Star, in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.  In 2002, he became Worthy Master of Woodstown Masonic Lodge #138.

Sam was elected Clerk of Session at Union Presbyterian Church in 1989.  He held this position for 13 years.  During this time he became a member of West Jersey Presbytery, and served on different committees, such as COM (Committee of Ministry) for six years, and the Nominating Committee for three years.  He went to the Synod of North East (Stony Point, New York) and in 2002, he went to General Assemble in Louisville, Kentucky.

Sam and Priscilla moved to Kernersville in 2003.  They joined First Presbyterian Church in 2004.  Sam was elected to the session in 2008 and today he is back on the session.  Committees Sam has served on are Stewardship and Finance and Personnel.  He is also involved with the egg ministry.

Today, Sam enjoys reading, mostly non-fiction.  He's very interested in history (a subject he excelled in at school).  He has read the biographies of most of our Presidents of the United States.  He has read books about the Civil War and the Revolutionary War.  For lighter reading his choice of authors are James Patterson and Stuart Woods.  He is an avid Wake Forest fan.  Sam is also interested in rare coins and has collected them too.



Having a great wife and three children and five grandchildren.



Be of pure heart and love your family to the fullest.

Family - Children 1984 (top) & Grandchildren 2000 (bottom)
Lt. with
Pennsville Auxilary Police Dept. 1985-1996
25th Wedding Anniversary 1986
Sam as Santa 1993
Worshipful Master at Woodstown Masonic Lodge 2002
Sam & Priscilla Today