God's Creatures of Comfort

Tabitha, the Bunny

By Ellen Watts

December 2024

I have written about many of God’s Creatures of Comfort, but I do not think I have included bunnies. As a child I had a bunny or two, but they were always outside bunnies that lived in a bunny hutch and only came out of their hutch occasionally. Today’s pet bunnies reside inside and are much more domestic than the bunnies I had as a child.

About a month ago a local rescue group posted a plea for foster homes for bunnies. I had toyed with the idea of getting a bunny years ago, so inquired about their needs. After filling out a questionnaire, and an interview phone call, I was entrusted with fostering Tabitha, until she could be adopted. Tabitha came from an abuse situation and had a large hole in her ear where a tag had been placed. She was thin and very nervous!

Having gotten all the necessary supplies and creating a 4-foot by 5-foot area for her with a feeding station, litter box, cloth tunnel and wooden box we settled in. Not trusting the cat, the bunny was given her own “room.” She was very skittish at first but would allow me to touch her. I invited my grandchildren and neighbors to come and sit in the floor with her. She was curious and would go to them!

She soon began to eat, and we loved watching her eat lettuce! She loved freeze dried strawberries the most but was only allowed tiny pieces! She would stick her nose through her enclosure if she heard the rattle of a treat package! Her curiosity soon helped her overcome her anxiety. She was a wonderful guest. I made a mess with her food and hay which I seem to scatter everywhere. She was litter box trained and only occasionally “missed” but using puppy training pads around her litter box quickly solved the problem!

Maisie, my little dog was absolutely obsessed with our house guest! If the door was open to the room where Tabitha was, Maisie would go in and just lay on the floor and watch her! The bunny was brought out into the living room for daily cuddles and pets and the dog was so excited when the bunny was on the floor, that she just could not contain her excitement! Maisie often nudged Tabitha trying to engage her to play chase. The bunny was often met with warm, slobbery, affectionate licking from Maisie. Tabitha never recoiled from the dog and never seemed to shy away from her enthusiasm!

In the evenings, I would hold the bunny and gently pet her, and she would slowly relax and snuggle closer. It was very calming for me at the end of a hectic day and Tabitha seemed to enjoy the gentle stroking of her soft fur. She became less anxious each day and began to put on weight and look much healthier within a couple of weeks. The comforting and bonding was good for us all.

The goal for fostering Tabitha was to help her adjust to living in a loving environment and learn to be a pet. After only six weeks in my home, she has been taken in by a family who wanted a companion for their bunny. If all goes well, she will have her forever home!

 Thanks to Fairytale Farm Rescue and Sanctuary for providing safety, healing, and rehab for animals through education and volunteers.

Tabitha came to me as a very anxious bunny and left healthier and much less stressed. The Bible tells us to “fear not” 365 times! Great advice for humans as well as bunnies!

Isaiah 41: 10,13  “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.”

Creatures of Comfort Update

By Ellen Watts

August 2024

As I pondered a new topic (creature) that provides comfort I looked back on the creatures I have already written about. There have been some who still provide that much needed comfort and some who have left that spot to be filled by other creatures. Here’s an update:

My first article was about birds, in particular, cardinals. I have had the awesome privilege over the last year to be visited frequently by a male cardinal. June of 2023, I had to undergo a revision of my knee replacement, due to the failure of the replacement done in April. I was discharged from the hospital on a Sunday afternoon and my son and daughter, and I were discussing my needs for recovery. Our conversation was interrupted by a nonstop tapping on the dining room window by a male cardinal. This fine fellow continued to visit daily from sunup until dusk, tapping on the dinning room window. Many methods were tried to discourage his behavior including aluminum foil on the window inside and out, window clings were added, wind chimes were hung, window decorations hung, and blinds pulled, but nothing seemed to work. Mr Cardinal still visits daily, although his visits during the very hottest days are brief. There are days when he’s sits on the dining room windowsill all day and occasionally taps just to remind me of his presence. On the days that he lingers too long, his wife shows up around dusk to tell him it’s time to come home. Over a year has gone by and he is an ever-present part of my day. I would miss him if he was gone! I notice if I awaken, and he hasn’t yet arrived.

The next article I wrote revisited my parents love of hummingbirds. I’m so fortunate that there are many hummingbirds at my current home. I love sitting on the patio late in the evening as they zoom past my head from the nearby trees to the hummingbird feeders. I love the high pitched little chirping noises they make. I still find them fascinating!

There are no deer that visit at my new home, but I am aware of their presence in the woods behind my house. For their own safety I’m glad they don’t venture near my house which might entice them toward the busy road. But the deer still dwell behind the church property because they were spotted by a couple of us after choir practice just this week. The mama deer and her babies seem content and carefree grazing in the tall, overgrown weeds.

The article about chickens brings me to report that my daughter in law has gone out of the chicken business due to a new more demanding job. And sadly, my daughter’s dear rooster Elvis, passed away this summer from simple old age.  He had served his family well! His offspring will carry on in that capacity.

I’m happy to report that my little dog, Maisie is now a year old and doing well! She is a wonderful companion and provides great entertainment and helps keep me more flexible by finding her ball, throwing her ball, moving objects and furniture to retrieve her ball, and to all around keep moving after her ball!

If she could sing, she would probably borrow words from John Fogerty’s song; “Put me in Coach, I’m ready to play!”

There are creatures all around us that provide comfort, that encourage our environment, that enhance our ecosystem. We as humans have a responsibility to care for them and be diligent in improving and securing the welfare of God’s creatures.

And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day. And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so. And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” ...Genesis 1: 20-26 NIV



By Ellen Watts

April 2024

My greatest creature of comfort is my darling companion, Maisie. She is a Cavachon, which is a fairly new breed achieved by combining a King Charles Spaniel and a Bichon Frise. Maisie came to live with me last summer as an 8-week-old puppy and we are still learning new things about each other every day.

She has brought me howls of laughter, face splitting smiles, warm trails of tears and a heart bursting with love. She has an amazing personality; she is the kindest animal I’ve ever met. I do not think that she has any anger or meanness within her. I’ve never seen her angry or threatening in any way. She has even won over the grumpiest, surly, old cat to accept her cheerful disposition!

When Maisie and I began this adventure of growing older together we made a pact to each outlive the other. We even shook hand and paw on it! My responsibility is to provide her with food, water, shelter and loving attention. She provides me with loving cuddles first thing every morning and barking at any unusual noise at night for protection.

We took obedience classes together last Fall so that I could learn how to behave, and she could learn how to adjust to my inadequacies. We learned to walk on a leash together, give and follow necessary commands, and just to “show off” - shake hands and paw, and dance on command.

Maisie readily makes friends and accepts everyone. She doesn’t see age, color, disabilities, infirmities, or political preference. What she sees are kindness, affection, soft spoken voices, and gentleness. She is most comfortable around people who accept her enthusiastic behavior as normal.

Maisie’s name was chosen long before I met her. It is the Scottish Gaelic name for Margaret which is my first name (I’m the 4th, my daughter the 5th and my great-niece the 6th). My oldest sister always had a spaniel named Maggie, so I felt the need to carry on the tradition. Maisie’s occasional nickname sounds rather Native American: “Red Paw” because her white feet frequently find themselves in muddy places! Her appearance is not something she concerns herself about often.

As I’ve written these words about Maisie as my Creature of Comfort I look back and

realize what an amazing example she is for each of us as Christians. She is kind, loving,

obedient, accepting of everyone, nonjudgmental, and fun loving.


Spiders, and Bats and Things Like That

By Ellen Watts

Many of us have certain creatures we fear. Some just because of their size;  big or small. Some because of their swiftness or ability to sneak up on us. Some creatures just invoke fear because of their horrid appearance. Two frequently feared creatures have found my home to be a pleasant place to stay.

Several weeks ago, I came out the back door to discover the largest spider I had ever seen had made an intricate web in the corner of the patio. The web had an interesting pattern in the middle that looked like the spider had used a large, white, zigzag stitch! The huge spider itself had long legs that were gold near the body and black on the ends. The spider’s body was black with several yellow stripes.  Thanks to friends on Facebook, I was told it was called a “ writing spider”, a garden spider, and was harmless. I was reminded that Charlotte of “Charlotte’s Web” was believed to be a writing spider. So I’ve decided that my spider, of whom I have no fear, will tell me something in writing at the appropriate time. Meanwhile, it continues to hang out on the patio.


Lately, I have a new visitor about dusk each evening. I first was made aware of his/her presence one evening when the puppy started running and jumping in the air in the back yard as though trying to catch a butterfly. (Stay tuned for articles about the puppy.) I went onto the patio to look closer to see that a bat was swooping and flying away and then would come back around for the puppy to do it again. The bat never got close to the puppy and posed no harm. This has become an every evening ritual for the bat and the puppy. The bat won’t play with me, just the puppy. I’ve also searched, with help, to make sure the bat has no access to my house. I believe the bat lives in the barn at the farm next door. Again I feel no threat from the bat.

I do not consider either a spider, a bat or other such often feared animals to be creatures of comfort, but they are God’s creatures and can therefore, teach us something. Maybe we need to take a moment and look at “fear”. What causes our fears? What creates that sense of anxious fear in us? Is it a creature, a certain idea, a certain place, a certain person? How do we deal with fear? What do we do when afraid? Do we try to deal with it ourselves? Do we seek God’s help?

Here are a couple of scriptures about fear that might be helpful:

(Psalm 34:4 NIV) I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

(Isaiah 41:10a NIV) So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

We need to place our trust in God when we experience fear of any kind. It’s not always easy and not even always our first thought, but we must try to remember He’s there waiting to comfort us always!



By Ellen Watts

About six or seven years ago I became more than just a grandmother to children, dogs and cats but to chickens.  Both my daughter and daughter-in-law raise chickens.  I have enjoyed watching them and learning about them.

With the price of eggs skyrocketing because of a disease that is wiping out the poultry industry, chickens have become a valuable pet.  When I was a very small child, I remember that we had chickens or at least one.  I remember that she was red and had a very bad attitude.  Unfortunately for her, she took her frustrations with life out on my head one day, and Daddy decided we would have chicken for Sunday Dinner.  My “Grandchickens” have not met such a fate.

I’ve had the opportunity to talk to them, feed and water them and even on occasion hold a chicken or two.  All new experiences for me not having been around chickens much before.  I always enjoyed taking my young children to Farmers Feed and Seed in the Spring to see the baby chicks and baby ducks.  Mr. Idol always let them hold one and would tell them what kind of chicken it was.  He was so kind and patient.  Maybe those visits inspired a love of chickens.

My “grandchickens” have had some great names, although I’m told it’s very bad luck to name them.  They do learn, however, to recognize their names.  There’s been Rosie, Fancy, Berry, and Roxy at one house and Pam Bo Lamb, Black Betty, Prairie Dawn, Zelda, and the Schnitzel sisters (who were a German breed) at the other house. But the Roosters were absolutely my favorite!

My daughter-in-law had a gorgeous rooster named Tuco.  He had a “coat of many colors” if you will.  He walked very proudly and was very loud and protective of his girls.  I hope to try and paint a rooster based on pictures I have of him.

My daughter’s rooster though is an amazing animal and probably my inspiration for this story.  His name is Elvis.

Elvis is six years old which is pretty old for a chicken.  He is a great caretaker of his family.  He watches over his girls, alerting them if anything or anyone comes near their coop or run.  When it is time to go into the coop at night, he is the last to go in. He loves his job but his first love is my daughter.  When he was younger he was allowed occasionally, with supervision, to roam freely in the backyard.  He watched her as she moved around tending flowers or feeding the other pets and he would let out a huge “cock a doodle do!” puff out his chest and walk toward her until she acknowledged him.  If she was sitting on the deck he would do the same thing from inside the fenced chicken run.  That was his way of screaming ”I love you,”

A chicken’s life is not very long and although they eat bugs, worms, seeds, etc, they are very much dependent on humans for their care and comfort.  We, like chickens, are very dependent on God’s comfort and care in order to survive.  We are dependent upon His nurturing and protection.  And yes, in so many ways, He is screaming “I Love You!”


But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.  (Psalm 5:11-12 NIV)

Comforting Creatures

by Ellen Watts

Comfort: I’m supposed to write about how Gods creatures comfort us. That was my intention as I began this series some time back. God’s creatures do in fact provide us with so many wonderful blessings; solace, peace, joy, laughter, purpose and of course, comfort. But this writing will be about our role as comfort givers.

About two months ago my most faithful companion of fourteen years, Dixie began a downward spiral of poor health. Each day growing weaker and spending little time enjoying her days; we still watched tv together, and took very brief walks in the yard. But finally I knew the end was near, and that she was indeed suffering.  I made arrangements to have the most humane thing possible done for her to end her suffering. I waited in the car for about thirty minutes before going in, with Dixie resting her head on my shoulder, as I told her how important she had been in my life. I wanted her to feel my heart beat as I could feel hers for just a few minutes more. After being placed in a quiet room,  I held her in my arms, loving her as hard as I always had, as she closed her eyes for the last time. She rested her head on her front paws which were in my left hand and that was the end of our life together.

Dixie had done her job as my companion, my entertainer, my protector, my comedienne, my encourager, and most of all one of God’s greatest gifts in my life. I recently read an article that talked about how important it is for us to comfort our pets in their final moments. It talks about how we are the center of their world for their entire lives and that we are their only family. This was written by a vet who talked about how pets search the room for their loved one in their final moments. This vet asks in the article for us to be brave and to be there for our pets to comfort them.  I tried my best to give Dixie as much comfort as I could. It was a lesson I had learned from her.

In Genesis we are told that God created the birds, fish, livestock and all creatures for us to have dominion over. Dominion means power, authority, control, or command. But I also believe this implies a responsibility on our part to care for all of these creatures and the world in which they ( as well as we) live. I believe this dominion implies a degree of caring that as we have domesticated animals into pets, we have been shouldered with the responsibility to protect, provide for and comfort our creatures of comfort.

What an amazing world we have been given because of God’s insight into our needs! He provided us with animals to comfort and care for us during our lifetime and the gift of allowing us the opportunity to comfort them.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.  2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIV)

The White Tailed Deer

by Ellen Watts

One of the most amazing creatures God created has to be the deer. They are graceful yet powerful in stature. To catch a glimpse of one is like capturing the vision of an elusive dream in the forest. Sometimes they are so well hidden by their surroundings that only the slight twitch of their tail or a tremble of their ear gives them away.

I grew up in rural Scotland County where deer still remain plentiful. Deer often came into our back yard to steal apples, pears and figs. It was not unusual to sit down in the evening around dusk to hear the pounding of small hooves running past our house because someone was coming up the driveway and had frightened them away.

My parents and I spent many mornings and evenings watching them. We enjoyed watching them bring their young fawns when they were old enough. The antlers sometimes just starting as little fuzzy bumps on their heads. The large buck who seemed to be the herd leader wore an impressive crown of antlers. He came up to eat last and never stayed long. We only saw them in the Fall. Once in a while we would see them in the field behind our house along the edge of the woods at other times of the year.

When I was very small Daddy explained that these were not reindeer but cousins to the North Pole reindeer that helped Santa each year. I found that very comforting that the reindeer had cousins living near me.

As an adult,  I have a hunting license and yes I’ve been deer hunting. And no, I have never shot one, nor do I think I could.  I have eaten the meat many times, but it’s not my favorite.  

Where I currently live backs up to a horse farm. There is a large field and woods that separate my house from the pastures and barns. Very fortunate deer live in those woods and have access to an abundance of food and water. Occasionally though, late at night when the weather turns cold they decide to come see if the dog and I will come outside the house.  There is a very large chestnut tree in my back yard and the deer love the chestnuts. They will come stand under that tree and wait for us. Occasionally, they have scared us by running at the sight of us! We have scared them by opening the door and turning on the light and frightening them! One of them did what is called “ blowing” at us! It is a release of air like blowing out a candle. The dog and I both nearly fell over each other trying to get back in the door! I prefer driving up my driveway and catching them standing underneath the chestnut tree so that we can just observe each other. They are  very  majestic and powerful looking yet seem so agile as the quickly leap over fallen logs and disappear into the woods.

Many of our church members have seen the deer that reside behind the church. The sounds of street noise and neighbors don’t seem to scare them. They often venture out from the cover of the tall grass and trees in the vacant lots to sample the vegetation behind the church fellowship hall.

*Photo by: Melissa McGaaw

*Photo by: Melissa McGaaw

*Photo by: Tom Koerner

The Bible refers to deer in many places. The most familiar quote is from Psalm 42: As the deer pants for streams of water , so my soul pants for you, my God.  Observing deer brings about a sense of awe and wonder at such a beautiful creature. It always seems like a special event to observe a deer because they are so amazing.  We humans are pretty amazing, too, and just as we enjoy watching deer and being amazed by them; we are being watched, too! We are being watched by others as we go out from our homes into an uncertain world. What do others see as they observe us?  Do they see a a pleasant, cheerful person? Do they see a caring, peaceful soul?  Venture out from behind whatever cover keeps you hidden, and be an awesome creature, too!

 “...... clothe  yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”

Colossians 3:12 (NIV)


* Photos used by permission from ncwildlife.org


By Ellen Watts

How can I write about creatures of comfort and not write about dogs? I really don’t have a lot of personal experience with dogs.  I’ve only had two dogs.  As a child our family had a black cocker spaniel named Inky and after I retired I decide to get a dog as a companion.  My experience has been limited but none the less, I’ve learned a lot about caring and companionship from these two dogs.

Inky was an outside dog where we lived in the rural part of Scotland County.  When I played outside, she was my constant playmate.  My sisters were older and had nothing to do with me.  Inky followed my bike around the yard, tail wagging trying to keep up.  She went on long walks with me in the thick forests of pine trees that surrounded our family home.   She had no idea what a leash was for, it just wasn’t necessary.  When I ate my lunch sandwich outside (kids stayed outside all day back then) she got part of the sandwich and part of my apple. We shared the shade under the big oak trees and when I would lay back to watch the clouds, she would lay down beside me and watch them, too.  On Sunday afternoons Daddy would let her in to take a nap on the couch with him and I don’t know which one enjoyed it the most! When her life ended we all felt a great sadness and a huge void was left in my life.

After I retired from teaching, I decided that it was time to have a dog of my own.  I’d wanted one for many years, but our lives were just too hectic to give a dog the care and attention it would need.  I researched breeds and finally decided on this little, tiny fur ball Shih Tzu.  I brought her home at eight weeks of age and she was the size of my fist. I learned a lot quickly with the help of books, a knowledgeable soon to be daughter in law, and obedience classes to train me.

Dixie Belle has been one of the most wonderful joys of my life! I had no idea I would love her so much!  She is stubborn but cute! She is persistent but charming!  She is annoying but endearing!  She is there to jump around when I’m happy and nestle into my lap when I’m sad.  She knows to run to the kitchen when she hears certain words because something has been spilled!  Dixie knows exactly when it is six o’clock (supper time) no matter what time of year!  She looks to me to protect her and I believe she would risk her life to protect mine! There are hundreds of stories I could tell of Dixie’s antics and adventures but let me just say that I’m so grateful for her place in my life!

In doing a little research on the internet about dogs, I found an article by Ace Green who named the Five Attributes of Dogs.  I believe we should try to adapt these attributes ourselves and into our relationships  with others:  

  Loyalty; dogs are known for their unwavering loyalty to their masters. Are we loyal to our family, friends, God? Or are we a little shaky there?  
  Internal and External Satisfaction; dogs don’t worry about how their fur looks, or if their tail is too long.  They don’t compare their collars to the neighbor’s dog’s collar or worry about their crooked teeth.  They don’t really worry about anything!  Maybe we worry about way too much!  
  Unconditional Love: Dogs don’t care how much money you have or how you look. They love you just the way you are!  
   Simple  Mindset; Dogs eat, sleep and play. That’s it! They aren’t constantly planning, strategizing, etc. We could learn about relaxing from dogs. (You should hear little Dixie snore when she is really deep asleep!)  
   Being Selfless; If we were as selfless as dogs what an amazing world we would live in! Only when it comes to food ( which has to do with survival)  do most dogs show selfishness. Unfortunately, we humans put self first. Dogs are constantly trying to please their humans in whatever selfless way they can.  


There are wonderful poems, stories, and videos about the loving companionship of dogs.  There are dogs who are specifically trained as comfort animals and therapy dogs. But I believe God created dogs to be our companions for we are dearly and deeply loved!  Oh, I know there are working dogs, but I believe that a pet dog has a special purpose and they have been placed in our lives!  They can sense our emotions whether it be anger, joy, sadness, frustration, irritability, kindness , gentleness or impatience.  God sees us!  He knows us and loves us!  That’s why he gave us dogs as creatures of comfort!

  "Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." Colossians 3:12 (NIV)  


Ellen Watts

There is a four- legged resident in my home named Rich. I do not own him! He can’t be owned! He has a very storied life that has made him the unique creature that he has become.

Rich was rescued from the Guilford County Animal Shelter as an older kitten by my then toddler grandson. He was feisty and obstinate and very much in charge of his territory! He would submit to being petted and carried but had no tolerance for other four- legged creatures. He convinced other cats to evacuate the premises and dogs to steer clear. 

After tolerating this for some time it was decided that he should leave the household of his young charge and live with the grandparents. Not long after his arrival at the grandparents, me being one of those, he became disenchanted with the canine inhabitant and ran away. He took up residence with the local feral cat colony for about a year and a half.

Eventually, he opted for a more comfortable environment and steady meals and returned to live with us. He did not like me at all! He often hissed at me and avoided all contact. He preferred my husband, Dale and would sit in his lap every evening and watch tv. He purred loudly and occasionally gave me a surly glance. Once in a while, he would jump up in my lap, realize it was me, and hastily retreat as if to say, “Sorry, wrong person!”

When Dale became ill, Rich spent hours laying on the bed with him, each one comforting the other as Dale grew weaker. Soon after Dale died, Rich began mourning, weeks became months of almost nightly pacing and loud meowing for his friend. I had taken over feeding him months before, but it was some time before he would get up in my lap and settle down.

Now after a year has passed, Rich has now accepted me as his friend. His once solid black fur now has tips of white, his once pointy ears have several notches and scars from defending his territory from other cats. He gets in my lap nightly to watch tv and purrs so loudly that I have to turn up the tv volume. He still sits on the back steps and takes a swing at the dog as she passes.  When the two older grandchildren were here several days a week doing virtual school classes, he would sit on the couch above my granddaughter and place his paw on her shoulder as if he were engaged in the lesson.  

As I write this, I see that I have left a pencil on the table beside my chair, he will be sure and knock that on the floor tonight as we watch tv together. If the dog is very quiet, she may also join us in the chair, but no sudden moves! Although he is not comfortable with everyone, he chooses to be comforting to me. Studies have shown that cats relieve stress and can be good for one’s emotional health. Rich was not chosen by me to live as my companion but now he has chosen me to be his. I am grateful for God’s creatures of comfort.


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort.  

(2 Corinthians 1:3 NIV)






Ellen Watts


When I think of my parent’s home in the late Spring I think of hummingbirds.  May 25, 2021 would have been my mother’s hundredth birthday, so she is very much on my mind.  She had a stroke just before her eighty-ninth birthday and while she was recovering in the hospital in Scotland County, I stayed at her house so that I could check in on her every day. She was very worried about the hummingbirds!

My parent’s home was out in the country, and they had always had between eight and ten hummingbird feeders hanging along the back of their house.  After Daddy’s death, Mama continued to keep up the feeding stations. Each day when I visited Mama she asked about the hummingbirds. Was I keeping them clean? Was I filling them each day? Was “Boss Hogg” showing up? There was always one larger hummingbird that fought for a certain feeder, thus dubbed “Boss Hogg”. I did my best to fulfill this responsibility.

Each night after spending the afternoon with her at the hospital, I’d come home usually to a meal I’d picked up on my way home. After the meal I spent at least an hour returning calls to everyone in the community, her church, and our family to give updates on her progress.  The next hour was spent making the hummingbird feeder solution that was to go in the feeders the next morning.

My mornings were spent taking down the feeders, rinsing them out and then refilling them. As soon as they were rehung on the hangers Daddy had made years before, the buzzing and the tiny humming sound began. They came out of the woods and suddenly there would be a swarm of no less than fifteen to twenty hummingbirds fighting for their chance at the feeders. Some had to wait their turn perched on the hydrangea bush, others on the nearby mimosa tree. They would keep their distance from me but come close enough that I could hear the air around my head moving as they zoomed by.

Breakfast and several cups of coffee were spent by the big picture window in the den where I pulled up a chair and could be just a foot away from the birds. It was one of those times that just leaves an imprint on your life. The house was so silent and there was nothing and no one else around but those birds and me.  I was so in awe of these magnificent, tiny, colorful creatures that darted around at such a high rate of speed yet could just seem to suspend in mid air. What a gift this sight was for me. During those moments of watching the hummingbirds, I forgot to worry about all that was going on with Mama, what I was neglecting at my home, all the things that usually possess my mind. I just sat and marveled at these creatures God had made. I felt such amazing peace and sense that God had it all in hand!

Now I look back and I often think about that time with the hummingbirds. I’ve had feeders at my house and I’m lucky if I see one or two a year. Unless I visit a bird sanctuary, I doubt I’ll ever be surrounded by that many hummingbirds again. God provides us comfort often at times and in ways we don’t even realize.  There’s an old saying about stopping to smell the roses, well, I think the last year has taught us to start being more mindful of everything; the flowers in bloom, the leaves on the trees, the birds, even the tiny hummingbirds, the bunny hopping in the yard, the squirrels in the trees.  Look for that peace and well being our Lord provides, sometimes His comfort is where we least expect it!

  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27 NIV)  

God’s Creatures of Comfort

Ellen Watts


The last year has been a very trying year for everyone.  It has been a very unhappy, uncomfortable, anxious, and miserable year for me.  I sought solace in many ways such as prayer, reading scripture, reaching out to friends and family, and seeking grief counseling.  However, one of the things I found that has been very therapeutic has been watching the birds in my yard.  I’ve always had bird feeders around, but I found myself standing at the window for long moments watching the birds.  My parents always fed the birds and attracted many, especially hundreds of hummingbirds.  So, feeding and watching birds has been lifelong for me.

As I’ve watched the birds, I began to identify different species, many familiar, and occasionally a stranger I would have to research.  I watched their interaction with each other, their habits, even their manners or lack there of.   I watched what they like to eat, and what was spit on the ground.  All giving me something to think about how we humans behave.

Cardinals, more specifically Northern Cardinals, are a frequent sight at most everyone’s feeder year around.     Did you know their name was chosen by the early North American colonists because of their resemblance to the red biretta (cap) and vestments of the Catholic Cardinals?

Male cardinals show affection by feeding their females seeds beak to beak.   Awww!   Northern Cardinals are monogamous usually for their entire life span.  The female stays with the eggs and the young, while the male provides food and protection.  Flocks of Northern Cardinals are called a college, conclave, deck, radiance, or Vatican of Cardinals.  They are so beautiful and especially striking on a bleak winter day!

Susan Nelson writes in A Look at Birds in the Bible, that there are nearly 300 references to birds in the Bible.   They are mentioned more in the Old Testament than the New.  Moses talks about birds much more than Paul.   Turtle doves, sparrows, pigeons are most frequently referenced.  By the way, did you know that all mention of turtles in the Bible is not talking about the reptile but is actually referring to the turtle dove?

One of my favorite Bible passages  talks about birds.


Matthew 6:25-34 (NIV)

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?  

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”



I hope you have feeders and are keeping them filled with seed. In the coming articles I’ll share information about some of the birds I see at my feeders and maybe share some tales of more of God’s Creatures of Comfort.